Social Work

Medical social work

Medical social work provides patients and families with helpful resources to cope and succeed in the face of a diagnosis or other health issue. The social workers at Children’s Nebraska are ready to do exactly that — and more.

Our social workers are prepared to work with patients and families to determine what is needed — whether that means emotional support or financial resources. Then, we work with the family to address those needs.

Services We Offer

Social workers at Children’s can assist and advocate for patients and families by:

  • Assessing your child’s and your family’s needs, coming up with a plan to address them, and connecting you with additional resources
  • Offering counseling and emotional support — either one-on-one or through connections to support groups
  • Providing information on financial assistance and resources
  • Advocating for the needs of patients and families by communicating with other members of the care team and referring families to community resources
  • Assisting in difficult situations, such as through crisis intervention or reporting suspected child abuse or neglect

“I love working with the kids and with their families. To me, it’s an honor that they’re turning to me for help in a time of crisis. These parents have seen the fragility of their children’s lives. It’s like going to the edge of a cliff and looking over, and seeing how far down it is. And they’re thinking, ‘How can I be the best parent I can be at a time like this?’ It’s powerful to work with them at a time like that.”

—June McAtee, MSW, LCSW, Social Worker, Children’s Nebraska

What To Do Next

If you would like to speak with a social worker, your child’s nurse can help, or you can call 402-955-5418 during normal business hours.


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